AnnouncementsMaintenanceSWC/USDT will be delisted on December 9, 2019, at 06:00 UTC

SWC/USDT will be delisted on December 9, 2019, at 06:00 UTC

Published date: December 5, 2019 at 07:24 (UTC+0)


Please be advised that ProBit Global will be delisting the SWC/USDT pair on Dec 9, 2019, 06:00 UTC.


One of Scanetchain’s strategies and key drivers is about providing end-user/holder value. After several months of monitoring SWC/USDT, the team found that there was not enough activity to continue supporting the pair. Scanetchain will focus its efforts on SWC/BTC which will provide better value and purpose in the long run.


Please cancel any orders that you may have in the SWC/USDT order book and move them to SWC/BTC.


Thank you for your kind support.


Best regards,


ProBit Global